Thursday, February 10, 2011

Things We Love about Ometepec!

It's hard to believe it's been 6 months since we arrived here in Ometepec!  Wow, what a journey it has been already!  So I thought I'd take some time tonight to reflect on the things I really enjoy about this city, this culture, this country...

1.  We can and do WALK EVERYWHERE!!
2.  There is a produce stand and miscelaneous store less than a minute's walk away--for all the times I need something last minute for a meal (which seems to happen quite frequently), I just run to the corner and they'll have it!!!
3.  FRESH PRODUCE all the time--especially great fruit!!
4.  Fresh-squeezed ORANGE JUICE!!  Wow, it doesn't get much better than this!  We love this stuff!
5.  NO CAR SEATS!!  It's so great to just throw the kids in the car and cruise around town together--sometimes with all 6 of us in the front!!
6.  Listening to my children play "school" or "store" or "church" in Spanish!  It's so fun to hear them just talk away, without any inhibitions or concerns about whether they are saying everything right or not!  And they really are picking it up quickly!
7.  Early morning ZUMBA classes--a new thing for me, but I've enjoyed getting to exercise with other women!
8.  Eating out with our whole family for about $15!!!
9.  All our fun FRUIT TREES--mango, banana, zapota, avocado
10.  Beautiful countryside outside the city--rivers, beaches, mountains
11.  Neighbor kids in and out of our house throughout the week!
12.  Slower paced life--no one is ever in a real hurry!  Relationships are more important than the task at hand!

We celebrated 6 months yesterday by going out to eat at our favorite restaurant here.  Yes, we still miss many things from the states, but we rejoice in the good things God has been doing in and through us here.  Ometepec is a great city, and it has been fun learning about a new culture, about the Catholic church here, about the people, and a whole new language!

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