Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The kiddos!

Here are just a few snap shots from the last month of so of the kids!! They are growing up so fast!

Waiting for Daddy to come home!!

Hailey loves to jump!!!

Other news!! The Eagles season opens up this Saturday against Bermuda! Ben is excited about this year's team--a lot of new guys, but so far a real unified group. Ben is leading a small group with 4 other guys--they are studying 1 Timothy and qualities of a leader. Pray for this time with those guys--that they would all grow as leaders and as men of God this summer! You can keep posted on the season at charlotteeagles.com!

The Charlotte Chirstian girls team is heading into the final few weeks of the season, with mostly conference games left. It's been a challenging season for the girls, but they have persevered.

We pray you are all doing well! Have a great week!

1 comment:

Charlotte Eagles Soccer Club Brazil Tour 2007 said...

katie!! happy belated birthday! i can't wait to see you when we get back to NC! all my love to all the johnsons!

sarah b