So, we have been reading through a devotional book I did as a kid called “Little Visits with God.” We’ve been trying to read one each morning. They are short stories that go with a Bible verse each day. Today’s verse was “Give thanks always for all things.” So, we were talking all day about having thankful hearts rather than grumbling spirits. The Lord has really been showing me my own grumbling and ungrateful spirit here! Over the past few weeks I have grown weary of telling the kids to stop complaining or to be thankful for what they have or to stop asking for more. And in such a gentle way, the Lord humbled me and showed me my own grumbling spirit and my own discontentment. God has gently shown me His grace and His patience with me—in stark comparison to my lack of patience with my children. “Oh Katie, this is your attitude towards ME. You have so much, and yet you are not satisfied. You complain and grumble—yet your needs have never gone unmet. I desire for you to trust me and thank me in all things.” May I grow more and more to recognize God’s goodness to me in ALL things—and may I have a thankful spirit that becomes contagious to my family!!! May my actions—more than my words of rebuke or correction—spur my children on towards thankfulness in ALL things.
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.” Psalm 118:1
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